港澳宝典正版内部资料库集成式—体空压机DLG Integrated air compressor
All-modular, high-integration parts and components, and concise and compact overall structure.The host assembly is only 36K
主机节能佳 Good energy-saving effect of host
主机通过国家能效备案二级能效。The host has passed the national energy efficiency record (Grade ll energy efficiency).
新能源汽车级主电机 Main motor for new energy vehicles
采用耐 UH级磁钢,耐温∶ 180°C和耐 200 度漆包线。防护等级 IP67,通过 EMC 认证。
UH-resistant magnetic steel, resistant to temperature 180*C,and 200 resistant enamelled wire.Protection grade IP67, passing EMC certification.
机组静音 Unit mute
采用全封闭式隔音罩、整机噪音 69±3dB(A)。
Fully enclosed sound enclosure is adopted; machine noise 69±3dB(A).
恒定压力 Constant pressure
采用全变频模式,根据客户用气的压力设计来改变电机转速,而达到恒压状态,体现真正意义上的变频节能. Full variable-frequency mode, to change the motor speed according to the customer's gas pressure design, so as to reac reflecting the frequency conversion and energy saving in its true sense.
智能化 Intelligent
With all-digital inteligent control technology, the complete machine is easy to operate and reliable in performance,and can be·
耐用、易操作 Durable and easy to operate
Normal maintenance, without amy repair One worker is able to complete all the maintenance work independently
型号 | 功率 | 马力HP | 排气量L/min | 气罐容积L | 压力Bar | 电压V | 外形尺寸MM | 出口尺寸 |
GT5A-8 | 3.7 | 5 | 100-400 | 70/90 | 5/8/12 | 220/380 | 790*410*835 | 1/2 |
GT5A-10 | 3.7 | 5 | 200-380 | 70/90 | 5/8/12 | 220/380 | 790*410*835 | 1/2 |
GT7A-8 | 5.5 | 7 | 380-650 | 120/150/180 | 5/8/12 | 220/380 | 1470*450*1150 | 1/2 |
GT7A-10 | 5.5 | 7 | 350-600 | 120/150/180 | 5/8/12 | 220/380 | 1470*450*1150 | 1/2 |